'Codes of the Steel-Azure Sands', is a new blog to complement the recent release of my debut Young Adult book 'Doctrine of the Asurlette- Book One- Fair's Onyx'. This is the first book in a series of five of which I am currently in the process of writing book two. There are a few main characters who re-occur throughout the series, but the main protagonist has to be General Dieter Llanfair, (as pictured above in the main title as a work in progress.)
My story-line follows the exploits of this charming, young, twenty-something first lieutenant from the pre-physical plane of Ped-Carreg, and where he is based on a central globe called Asurletia. (His garrison home is Llanfair, hence his name.) The Asurlette is his female commanding officer, who he has to obey complicity, even if it appears that she may not always be right.
Any idea of 'Ped-Carreg' existing in the first place deals with the idea of 'who, what or where' were we previously to being born into a physical body? Some people believe, as do I, that something lives inside everyone of us, and that it is called 'the soul or spirit'. Some people may not believe this, but that's alright, as science cannot currently prove or disprove this idea, so religious beliefs can often be extremely beneficial and act as a great comforter. My book, therefore, is just a piece of fiction at the end of the day, so does not rely on whether you believe in a soul or not, it just relies on the fact that Dieter Llanfair appeared in my imagination one day after a number of years of placing the pieces, (like a jigsaw puzzle), into the overall story of which was solely my idea.
The thought that entered my head ten years ago of, 'what if we lived before?', therefore, percolated itself over time into 'Doctrine of the Asurlette.' The general's exploits then, are not real according to our understanding of the human psyche, unless imagination is more powerful than we realise and is actually a way of accessing the collective consciousness of our universe which provides us with a way of understanding it better. Either way, I would like to think that Dieter Llanfair did exist, in a perfect world, although I may never know for certain.
If we do possess a soul or spirit, then Ped-Carreg is how I would see our creation before being immersed into a physical world filled with atoms and molecules, of which themselves are not actually 'solid' in nature, but are themselves merely different states of energy. Those of you who are familiar with the 'double slit theory', will understand that scientists now believe that adding a consciousness to the near environment of a light being shone through two slits of a board, can affect how the light is perceived the other side of it, e.g. no human consciousness present equals the image of two slits the other side, whilst a human consciousness present equals an image of wider frequency being displayed. Therefore, can thinking a particular way actually influence what does or does not exist in the physical state?
The simplest idea of this is, for a human physical action to occur, the brain has to either think about it first, (the soul affecting a particular course of action), or, in the case of reflex reactions in the body, respond immediately, sometimes with spinal cord involvement only, and not involve the brain directly. Yet, even with the latter, a network of neurons are required, and which could be reproduced outside of the human body without a human consciousness to direct them. Therefore, any autonomic reflex stimulation in the body can be equated with a robot responding to an automatic request by way of an organic or inorganic command not involving any moral issues, whereas when we decide to act on a pre-determined thought from the higher brain centres. (cerebral cortex), perhaps our individual soul deems if what is to occur would be moral or immoral, depending on the type of spirit conducting the frequencies of the typical brain.
Conscious thought, therefore, deems it quite likely that a soul or spirit does indeed exist. Whilst science and religion do not usually mix together into a tight fit, there are some similarities that connect them quite beautifully. For instance, scientists tell us that the 'big bang', which happened around nearly fourteen billion years ago, kick-started our physical universe as we know it today. Depending on the religion, this may have been described by scholars in their own understanding, e.g. 'in the beginning God said, "Let there be light, and there was light," for example. Remember the slit theory test of light and the presence of a human consciousness affecting the subsequent rays after passing through the slits? So then, a consciousness plus light added, (think of the big bang), and voila, you have actions involving the creation of something more than just light alone. Other religions will obviously have their own versions, but still they involve light and a consciousness.
So, the basis for my book is that whilst our physical body comes into existence at 'birth', our soul was 'born' with both a consciousness and a conscience attached, of which the co-ordinates, whilst unknown, perhaps coincide with Ped-Carreg, (in my imagination, at least). Returning to General Dieter Llanfair, it is up to you to decide if he should stick to the orders given to him by the Asurlette, or if his soul is right to question them and confer his own ideals upon them. Dieter, being rather flamboyant with a hint of self over-confidence, hides the fact that he is a rather introverted young man who relies heavily on romance and beauty for his survival, and who can be unfairly misjudged by others who fail to understand his ways.
In my opinion, these kind of traits can induce mocking from others who view them as a kind of weakness, but which are, in fact, exceedingly rare nowadays, and extraordinarily special. Perhaps it is the 'special' part which causes a person to stand out from the crowd that causes the unwanted attention of 'mocking'. Anyhow, my next blog, (once weekly), will introduce this aspect of what the general has to contend with on a daily basis. Until then, my book, 'Doctrine of the Asurlette- Fair's Onyx', is currently available from feedaread.com as a paperback for £7.99 plus postage.
It will go up onto Amazon Books and other distribution channels soon. For now, be kind to others, and see if you like my new book. Take care!
Red Lizard.
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