In my book 'Doctrine of the Asurlette', book one is titled 'Fair's Onyx', in recognition of the importance of Onyx Cattarini's birth. Her description of having 'emerald' eyes at the start when her soul is forcibly placed into a physical receptacle, is not necessarily her DNA being a true representation of herself, as further books will explain the initial cause for this. The picture above shows her change in appearance being evident whilst travelling through a pale green, electro-magnetic mist that has originated from a combination of sources, and for which her spirit is subjugated to travel through to reach her Earthly destination. She is called 'Fair's Onyx', as her description references her importance to the pre-physical garrison of Llanfair, (Fair being an abbreviation of the Welsh place-name spelling rather than it signifying an adjective).
Book two will highlight the source of the green mist, but for now it should be viewed as an extension of the soul or spirit. Whether it is hers that you see above, or if it is another's that she is encroaching on will become evident at some point. Many people believe that a physical human possesses an individual soul even when science is not able to prove that it exists. Despite this, it has been certain 'fringe' scientific concept that seem to light my literary imagination. As a student of Reiki, I personally believe in the soul and its visual presence around an individual.
The appearance of Kirlian photography in 1939 by Semyon Kirlian and his wife, Valentina, gave some indications of what an individual's soul may look like, although most scientists say it is just an electro-magnetic phenomenon due to water vapour around a person being ionised due to the electrical stimulus. This is called 'electrical coronal discharge', and Kirlian himself was inspired by Nikola Tesla who had been giving demonstrations on coronal discharges at a conference near to where Kirlian lived in the early twentieth century. The different colours photographed by a Kirlian camera , then, could possibly just be the water molecules reflecting or refracting light and splitting white light up into its constituent colours as in a rainbow, and not reflecting the type of soul that is contained within.
In 1896 a Frenchman named Baraduc had already experimented with taking pictures with a photographic plate to capture what he called 'a soul', and also the thoughts of the person. At some point, he also is said to have taken pictures of his wife's 'soul' leaving her body at the point of death. Some people at the time suggested there may have just been a problem with the camera. Wouldn't the presence of a mist he witnessed leaving her have been seen anyway if it was merely a coronal discharge caused by water vapour or gas emanating from her body? He was not the only one experimenting at the time with this type of photography, but was also popular amongst spiritualists of the time.
Plant photographs using Kirlian photography, whereby a leaf on a glass plate can give off an 'aura' yet still show the full outline of the leaf, even when part of it is cut off and removed from the plate can be seen in various books on the subject. Water vapour that is still present on the plate, however, still continues to show the 'aura glow,' but dissipates when the plate is wiped clean. This suggests that removing the ionised water also removes the light. Could water 'memory' (for another blog), also be playing a part though, especially with the formation of various colours that can be manipulated by changing thought patterns in Kirlian photography with humans as in aura photography.
After personally experiencing Kirlian photography on myself and my husband, I witnessed that my husband's photograph consisted of multiple blue and white, brilliant colours, whilst mine was bland, dull orange all over the photograph. At the time I was pregnant and was experiencing bad morning sickness, and I was only concentrating on my nausea at the time. Despite this, the camera operator said she would take another one, but for me to think of 'healing' thoughts, (both my husband and I belonged to a spiritual healing group before I was pregnant). This time my photograph came up on the monitor with similar colours to my husband's, but with a different pattern distribution, although in all three photographs there was a constant image in the top, right-hand corner of what appeared to be an embryo entering he field of colours. Other people who had their 'aura' photographs taken before and after us did not have this image, so it wasn't a problem with the camera.
This could suggest that different electro-magnetic energy frequencies do have an effect on the colours perceived through the 'aura' or ionised gas/ water vapour around the body, or perhaps water memory itself is having an effect? In my Reiki training, I have to channel Reiki itself to balance the chakras in myself or another person. The chakras are colourful energy centres distributed throughout the body, and the point of Reiki is to re-balance these centres to allow a person's health to flourish. The energy from these areas can be witnessed as an 'aura', but can change depending on which chakras are blocked or flowing freely. As in my own experience, changing a thought pattern seemed to have an effect on the colours emitted by my physical self, and which was detected by the Kirlian photography images.
Connecting back to my book, I use the story-line to suggest that a person's soul can be seen as their aura, and that their DNA, or intended coding from birth, is not necessarily their true 'spirit'.
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